Tag Archives: branding

What is a Brand?

Is it your company’s logo? Your advertising or public relations campaigns? These are all elements of branding. Branding is the intangible part of your business. A brand, unlike your product or service offerings, is a collection of ideas, feelings and … Continue reading

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Do You Need to Consistently Promote Your Brand?

To ensure future growth and profitability, companies must continually build, strengthen and revitalize their brand value. Building and maintaining a meaningful brand isn’t easy. You must focus on the emotional aspects of your brand – the proposition, making a quick … Continue reading

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Is Branding and Connecting to Local Culture Important?

Yes it is. Here’s a good example of tapping into cultural associations. Branding and connecting to a local culture is very important. A great example is this Coke machine that we saw in Belgium with Brussel’s Mannekin Pis – literally … Continue reading

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