Are You Shifting to More Online Marketing?

If your marketing and communications plan is not shifting toward more online communications, you are not fully connecting with your customers.

The best way to do this is to take an integrated marketing and communications approach. You must invest in a strong Web presence. It means integrating your offline channels (such as print advertising, direct mail, public relations, outdoor and broadcast) with online channels (such as e-marketing campaigns, Website search engine optimization, pay-per-click, banner ads, webinars, blogs, RSS, video). Integrate the various elements of the mix to maximize competitive advantage for your brand. You need to understand and harness digital platforms.

Proper integration of online media adds depth and measurement to your programs. It makes you more accessible to your customers. And, accessibility is an important key to marketing in today’s business environment. You also have to make sure that you understand how your services and products are researched and found, and serve as a resource to people who are in search of information.

To successfully maintain your brand in today’s online world, your brand marketing and communications need to be relationship-based, taking advantage of search marketing, social media, lead nurturing and online communities. Learn which channels and mediums provide maximum exposure for your messages and deliver the most for the dollars you are spending.

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